niedziela, sierpnia 29, 2010


“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha
Here are two of them together.

piątek, sierpnia 27, 2010

This is something what I plan to do from now on... 
  1. Ask why the poppy must red?
  2. Then answer what colour it should be.
  3. And do it as I wanted...
Because I've read today:
Shoot for the moon!
If you miss you will still be amongst the stars.

wtorek, sierpnia 24, 2010

Postcard from Bahrain


Here are 10 Things for you to do while we're apart...
10. Think of a thousand sexy nicknames for me - Canım, Aşkım, Bebeğim...

9. Pick a daisy and do that "Loves me, loves me not" thing until you end up on "Loves me" - I don't need to do this, because I know the result...

8. Call the radio station and have them play songs that make you think of me - it's impossible, because I should call Power Extra Lounge

7. Practice running toward me in slow motion with your arms outstretched - this one is funny

6. Go out and buy some killer new underwear (Think silk.) - black with lace

5. Do lip exercises - hahaha

4. Reserve a spot for me at my favourite place in town - which town Canım?

3. Buy three cans of whipped cream and some elbow pads. I'll explain later - you're crazy !!!

2. Sulk and pout. Hey not all these things are supposed to be fun. 

1. MISS ME! (Why should I be the only one who's missing somebody?)

This was the best postcard I've ever received.
But... Why should I be the only one who's missing somebody?
I want the next postcard answering this question...

sobota, sierpnia 14, 2010

Jarmark Jagielloński w Lublinie

Kolejne z kolczyki z mojej kolekcji...

Co roku od kilku lat w Lublinie odbywa się Jarmark Jagielloński. Jest to fantastyczny czas na zobaczenie co dobrzy ludzie potrafią zrobić pracą własnych rąk. A dla mnie jest to czas na znalezienie kolejnych niepowtarzalnych kolczyków albo innej części biżuterii brakującej do kompletu z kolczykami.

Te są wprost przecudne i ponoć pasują do mojej osobowości właśnie poprzez to, że nie są takie same.

Strona internetowa tego wydarzenia.